Trainers are advised that bookings for the Bendigo trial session on Tuesday January 22 will not open until 8am Monday morning to allow later assessment of the weather conditions with current forecast of 41 degrees.
Trials cancelled Tuesday January 15
Sunday, 13 January, 2019
Trainers are advised that due to the extreme forecasted temperature on Tuesday, with the expectation that temperatures will be very high by mid morning the trial session at Bendigo has been cancelled.
Track harrowed Saturday 22nd December
Saturday, 22 December, 2018
Trainers are advised the Bendigo track was harrowed Saturday December 22.
Schedule changes for next few weeks
Tuesday, 18 December, 2018
Trainers are advised the check the schedule changes for Bendigo over the Christmas and New Year period with additional race meetings, track maintenance and trials changes required. All information can be found by clicking on the following link: Sxhedule changes ...
No trials Saturday Dec 8
Thursday, 6 December, 2018
Trainers note that with Fridays meeting being transferred to Saturday MORNING (Dec 8), in accordance with the Hot Weather Policy there will be NO trials after the races on Saturday.
Average sales price well above average at R2R Sales
Saturday, 17 November, 2018
An increase in quality across the board has led to record sales numbers at today’s Ready 2 Race auction at Bendigo’s Lords Raceway. A total of 43 greyhounds were sold at auction this afternoon following the running of nine finals over 425m earlier in the day. Despite the top seller, Chiquita Lass (pictured above), fetching $20,000, which was below the top sale price of previous years, the average sales price on the day reached record heights.
2018 Ready 2 Race series underway at Bendigo
Tuesday, 13 November, 2018
Numbers may have been low, but the depth was certainly there in the 2018 Ready 2 Race heats at Bendigo on Monday.
Thursday, 25 October, 2018
The 2018 ready 2 Race auction series is fast approaching with auction day being Saturday 17 November 2018 and the catalogue is now out… click on the following link for a pdf version to print. 2018 CATALOGUE FINAL at ...
Thursday, 13 September, 2018
The BGRA hosts its annual Grand Final Eve Charity luncheon again in 2018 on Friday September 28. This year’s lunch is raising awareness of brain cancer and funds for brain cancer research through a partnership with the Mark Hughes Foundation. ...
Sebastian’s Smart Pups Race Night – Friday August 31
Tuesday, 31 July, 2018
The BGRA are proud to be hosting this race meeting as a fundraiser for a Smart Pup Autism Assistance Mobility Dog for Sebastian. This Assistance Dog will be trained to help Sebastian gain independence and confidence, keep him safe. Alert ...